Where it all began!

1 August 2017

Hi! I’m Kim… caker, baker, decorator and Coen’s Mummy! Here’s a little background on where Sweet Little Things started.

About 10 years ago I made an attempt to create what I had imagined would be a spectacular cake for my partner at the time. I was looking forward to the “wow’s” and “well done” comments. It didn’t go exactly to plan. The cake was baked perfectly this was certainly not my first baking experience but being a novice decorator I used all the wrong things. I added so much liquid colour to the fondant I was left with a sticky grey mess that I patched onto the cake to make it look like a gym weight. I then stashed it away till the following day. When I went to retrieve it the heater had obviously come on in the boiler cupboard resulting in the heat melting any attempts I had made at an ok cake. It was an absolute disaster! But I served it anyway and from that moment onwards I challenged myself to learn cake craft. Fast forward ten(ish) years and here I am. Having kept it up as a hobby all this time and hopefully learning a whole lot more spending hours watching you tube and stalking my cakey ideals I decided to launch Sweet Little Things as a “real” business.

I felt it was the ideal time as I had been on maternity and couldn’t bare the idea of returning to my 9-5 leaving Coen (the apple of mummy’s eye) at a nursery every day to sit at a desk in a bank. Working from home gives me the best of both worlds I work in the evenings and spend my days with my little one never missing out on those precious moments and if we are really lucky Daddy comes along too.

